# Installation

# Requirements

  • kubectl version 1.13.0 or newer

# CLI Installation

You can either download CLI binaries for linux or MacOS from our release page (opens new window), or install the CLI plugin using brew:

brew tap kudobuilder/tap
brew install kudo-cli

Another alternative is krew the package manager for kubectl plugins doc (opens new window)

kubectl krew install kudo

or you can download the CLI binaries from the release page at https://github.com/kudobuilder/kudo/releases/latest and download the release for your platform and OS. Make executable and add to your path:

VERSION=x.y.z # look up the current stable release at https://github.com/kudobuilder/kudo/releases/latest
OS=$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
ARCH=$(uname -m)
wget -O kubectl-kudo https://github.com/kudobuilder/kudo/releases/download/v${VERSION}/kubectl-kudo_${VERSION}_${OS}_${ARCH}
chmod +x kubectl-kudo
# add to your path
sudo mv kubectl-kudo /usr/local/bin/kubectl-kudo

note: On Mac OSX, you may need to explicitly authorize the use of the command. Details on the Apple support site (opens new window)

# KUDO Initialization

KUDO has an installed component inside the cluster. To install this component, the KUDO CLI provides a command for initialization:

kubectl kudo init

This command installs the controller deployment, the webhook and all other components that are required for KUDO to work. The init command will abort if it detects an existing KUDO installation - this is to prevent accidental upgrades. For more details on how the KUDO initialization can be customized, see the details on the init command

# KUDO Upgrades

To upgrade an existing KUDO installation, the init process is used as well:

kubectl kudo init --upgrade

It is important that you use the same parameters for the upgrade process that you used for the installation; for example if you installed KUDO with:

kubectl kudo init --namespace kudo-custom --service-account my-kudo-sa

then you must upgrade with

kubectl kudo init --upgrade --namespace kudo-custom --service-account my-kudo-sa

This is required for:

  • --namespace
  • --service-account
  • --unsafe-self-signed-ca

otherwise KUDO will fail to correctly detect the existing installation and abort the upgrade.

# KUDO Uninstall

KUDO does not yet have an integrated uninstall command. The most common way for now to uninstall KUDO is:

kubectl kudo init --upgrade --dry-run --output yaml | kubectl delete -f -

This will remove all installed KUDO CRDs, deployments and other resources from the cluster


This command will delete the KUDO CRDs, which in turn will delete ALL INSTALLED OPERATORS - Make sure you really know what do before you run this!