# How to Initialize KUDO in a Cluster

The objective of this runbook is to initialize KUDO in a Kubernetes cluster.

# Preconditions

KUDO requires:

# Steps

# Initialize KUDO

kubectl kudo init --wait

Wait Timeout

There is an additional --wait-timeout parameter with a default of 300 seconds to adjust the wait timeout.

This results in:

  1. the deployment of KUDO CRDs
  2. the creation of kudo-system namespace
  3. deployment of the kudo controller
  4. wait until the kudo controller is ready

Output of a KUDO init will look like the following:

$ kubectl kudo init
✅ installed crds
✅ installed service accounts and other requirements for controller to run
✅ installed kudo controller

Wait is not a default

If you run kubectl kudo init without the --wait parameter, the command will return before all parts of KUDO are ready to serve requests. This can be problematic in test environments where the next KUDO command is executed without any delay.

# Check to see KUDO Manager is running

The installation of KUDO is verified by confirming that the kudo-controller-manager-0 is in a running status.

$ kubectl get -n kudo-system pod
NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kudo-controller-manager-0   1/1     Running   0          11m