# Evicting a KUDO Cassandra Node

Usually KUDO Cassandra schedules the Cassandra Cluster Nodes randomly to the Kubernetes nodes. It supports Anti-Affinity - multiple Cassandra nodes should not run on the same Kubernetes Nodes.

After a node has started, it usually will not move around in the cluster. The Cassandra Nodes require a persistent volume, which normally is a local volume which will only be available on the specific Kubernetes Node where the Cassandra instance was initially started. (There are options like EBS volumes that can move around, but the focus here is on local volumes)

In some cases a cluster operator wants to evict a Cassandra Node from a specific Kubernetes Node.

# Required setup

Have a KUDO Cassandra cluster running, with at least the following parameters:


# Steps

# Taint or Cordon old node

To prevent that the evicted Cassandra instance will be restarted on the same node again, add a taint or cordon the old node where the instance was running

# Mark pod for eviction

Add a new label to the node to be evicted:

kubectl label pod cassandra-node-0 kudo-cassandra/evict=true

This will trigger the recovery controller to unlink the PV and remove the PVC, so the pod can be rescheduled to a different Kubernetes node.

WARNING Unlinking a Persistent Volume from the PersistentVolumeClaim can lead to permanent deletion of the Persistent Volume and all stored data inside it! Cassandra normally stores replications of all data and will redistribute it after the node is relocated, but depending on your Cassandra configuration this may lead to data loss.

After a while the old pod will be terminated and rescheduled on a different Kubernetes node.