# Announcing KUDO 0.6.0

KUDO v0.6.0 makes it more convenient than ever to create operator packages, and also comes with a bunch of features around repository management: you can now easily create and manage your own repositories, and select repositories to install operators from. We are proud to announce this release of KUDO v0.6.0!

To see the full changelog and the list of contributors who contributed to this release, visit the Github Release (opens new window) page.

# Release Highlights

# kudo init command

With the new CLI installed you can now use kubectl kudo init command to setup a Kubernetes cluster with install version of KUDO and establish a KUDO_HOME on the client. To manage the details yourself, run kubectl kudo init --dry-run -o=yaml. Using the --dry-run flag will make no changes locally nor at the cluster, however the -o=yaml will output the YAML definitions for the server to STDOUT, making kubectl kudo init --dry-run -o=yaml > kudo-install.yaml an option.

KUDO v0.6.0 introduces the ability to use your own operator repository, details below. In order to configure KUDO to use a different repository it must be configured at the client. Assuming you already have KUDO installed in the cluster, running kubectl kudo init --client-only will establish the default KUDO repository options.

TIP: Looking to have the KUDO CLI "Wait" until KUDO is ready in the cluster? Try kubectl kudo init --wait.

Run kubectl kudo init --help for more details.

# KUDO Repository Management

KUDO 0.6.0 introduces the ability to manage repository options with the ability to add, remove and list repositories (details with kubectl kudo repo).

kudo repo list will provide a table of repository options with an * denoting the default or "current" repository.

kubectl kudo repo list
NAME      	URL                                           
*community	https://kudo-repository.storage.googleapis.com

# Repository Index Creation

Looking to create your own repository? This release provides kubectl kudo repo index ... which will create the index.yaml needed at a repository. Assuming you have a folder operators with a set of operators, you simply run kubectl kudo repo index operators url=http://localhost:8080. This assumes you will run a web server at port 8080 locally to use the repository.

# Selecting a Repository

All commands that interact with a repository (install, upgrade, etc.) now support a new flag --repo. Without using --repo, the current context repository will be used by default (denoted by * in repo list). --repo makes it possible to use another repository for a command without changing the default context. Assuming a test repo, it is possible to install using kubectl kudo install zookeeper --repo=test.

# Creating an Operator Package

Newly added is the ability to create an operator tarball package from a folder with project defined naming conventions and some validation. Run kubectl kudo package operator, assuming operator is the folder containing your operator. This requires that the operator has a valid operator.yaml and params.yaml file and will create a foo-1.0.0.tgz, where foo is the name of the operator and 1.0.0 is its version.

For more details, run kubectl kudo package --help.

# Docker images

  • docker pull kudobuilder/controller:latest
  • docker pull kudobuilder/controller:v0.6.0

Get started with KUDO today. Our community is ready for feedback to make KUDO even better!