# Introducing the KUDO Operators Index

The default repository when installing operators with KUDO is the community repository. Adding new operators to this repository has been greatly simplified with a new index of operators and a new community repository URL that is used starting with KUDO 0.16.

Adding new operators to the community repository was traditionally done by adding the operator packages as a folder in the operators (opens new window) project. While this worked well for smaller operators, it created challenges for large operators, for example, KUDO Cassandra (opens new window). Larger operators are developed as separate projects in their own git repository because they need separate issue tracking, have extended tests and documentation, and sometimes build and release their own Docker images. For new releases, the operator package would have to be copied over to the operators project. In case of bugs in the operator, is the source of truth now the origin project or the folder in the operators project?

To avoid these and other challenges, the new Operators Index (opens new window) provides a simple way to reference operator packages located in external projects. Instead of copying an operator package, operator developers reference the URL of a git repository and the operator packages included in that git repository.

With these references, there's a one-to-one mapping of operator packages included by a git repository and the respective packages in KUDO's community repository. Every entry in the Operators Index results in a package in the community repository.

# Adding operator packages to the Operators Index

To add an operator package, create a pull request that adds or updates an index entry in the operators (opens new window) folder of the Operators Index (opens new window). Each entry in the index references versions of an operator package. By creating a pull request that adds or updates an entry, the referenced operator packages are validated as part of a CI job. This is similar to running kubectl kudo package verify on the operator package. Additional checks confirm that the metadata of the entry matches the respective metadata of the operator package.

Once the pull request is approved and merged, the community repository is rebuild and the package will be available to users.

# Adding Tagged versions from a git repository

Say you have an operator developed in a git repository. In this git repository you run tests, provide documentation and bundle the actual operator package. You use tags to release new versions of this operator.

The following YAML would add an example operator "My Operator" from a GitHub repository to the index. The operator package is in the operator folder of this repository and a tag for version 1.0.0 exists.

apiVersion: index.kudo.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Operator
name: My Operator
  - name: my-operator
    url: https://github.com/example/my-operator.git
  - operatorVersion: "1.0.0"
      source: my-operator
      directory: operator
      tag: v1.0.0

The entry for the KUDO Cassandra operator uses this approach. (opens new window)

# Adding specific commits from a git repository

Sometimes, one doesn't have tags for a specific operator. For example when multiple operators share a git repository. In this case, one can reference the SHA of a specific commit instead of a tag.

apiVersion: index.kudo.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Operator
name: My Operator
  - name: my-operator
    url: https://github.com/example/my-operator.git
  - operatorVersion: "1.0.0"
      source: my-operator
      directory: operator
      sha: 2b5b8ae28a83eb171d1c3094b92a1cc07e8c26f4

The entry for the MySQL operator uses this approach. (opens new window)

# Adding tarballs

If is also possible to reference a tarball of an operator package if there isn't a git repository. The tarball will be copied into the community repository once this entry is merged.

apiVersion: index.kudo.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Operator
name: My Operator
  - operatorVersion: "1.0.0"
    url: https://example.org/my-operator-1.0.0.tgz

# Summary

The new Operators Index (opens new window) provides a one-to-one mapping of referenced operators and packages in the community repository. This makes it convenient for operator developers to add operator packages hosted in git repositories to KUDO's community repository. Operator packages can be provided alongside other deployment methods, e.g. Helm charts from a single git repository.

Jan About the author
Jan is a distributed systems expert, skilled in designing and building complex software systems for the cloud. He's an open source contributor, Kubernetes and Apache Mesos specialist. Find Jan on GitHub (opens new window)