# Steps

Each test case is broken down into test steps. Test steps within a test case are run sequentially: if any of the test steps fail, the entire test case is considered failed.

A test step can create, update, and delete objects as well as run any kubectl command.

Table of Contents

# Format

A test step can include many YAML files and each YAML file can contain many Kubernetes objects. In a test case's directory, each file that begins with the same index is considered a part of the same test step. All objects inside of a test step are operated on by the test harness simultaneously, so use separate test steps to order operations.

E.g., in a test case directory:


There are two test steps:

  • 00, which includes 00-pod.yaml and 00-example.yaml.
  • 01, which includes 01-staging.yaml.

The test harness would run test step 00 and once completed, run test step 01.

A namespace is created by the test harness for each test case, so if an object in the step does not have a namespace set, then it will be created in the test case's namespace. If a namespace is set, then that namespace will be respected throughout the tests (making it possible to test resources that reside in standardized namespaces).

See the configuration reference for documentation on configuring test steps.

# Creating Objects

Any objects specified in a test step will be created if they do not already exist.

# Updating Objects

If an object does already exist in Kubernetes, then the object in Kubernetes will be updated with the changes specified.

The test harness uses merge patching for updating objects, so it is possible to specify minimal updates. For example, to change the replicas on a deployment but leave all other settings untouched, a step could be written:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
  replicas: 4

# Deleting Objects

To delete objects at the beginning of a test step, you can specify object references to delete in your TestStep configuration. In a test step file, add a TestStep object:

apiVersion: kudo.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TestStep
# Delete a Pod
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
# Delete all Pods with app=nginx
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
    app: nginx
# Delete all Pods in the test namespace
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod

The delete object references can delete:

  • A single object by specifying its name.
  • If labels is set and name is omitted, then objects matching the labels and kind will be deleted.
  • If both name and labels omitted, all objects of the specified kind in the test namespace will be deleted.

The test harness will wait for the objects to be successfully deleted, if they exist, before continuing with the test step - if the objects do not get deleted before the timeout has expired the test step is considered failed.

# Running Commands

A TestStep configuration can also specify commands to run before running the step:

apiVersion: kudo.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TestStep
- command: kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kudobuilder/kudo/master/docs/deployment/10-crds.yaml
  namespaced: true

If the namespaced setting is set, the --namespace flag is set to the test step's namespace.