# Test Environments

The KUDO test harness can run tests against several different test environments, allowing your test suites to be used in many different environments.

A default environment for the tests can be defined in kudo-test.yaml allowing each test suite or project to easily use the correct environment.

# Live Cluster

If no configuration is provided, the tests will run against your default cluster context using whatever Kubernetes cluster is configured in your kubeconfig.

You can also provide an alternative kubeconfig file by either setting $KUBECONFIG or the --kubeconfig flag:

kubectl kudo test --kubeconfig=mycluster.yaml

# Kubernetes-in-docker

The KDUO test harness has a built in integration with kind (opens new window) to start and interact with kubernetes-in-docker clusters.

To start a kind cluster in your tests either specify it on the command line:

kubectl kudo test --start-kind=true

Or specify it in your kudo-test.yaml:

apiVersion: kudo.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: TestSuite
startKIND: true
kindNodeCache: true

By default KUDO will use the default kind cluster name of "kind". If a kind cluster is already running with that name, it will use the existing cluster.

The kind cluster name can be overriden by setting either kindContext in your configuration or --kind-context on the command line.

By setting kindNodeCache, the containerd directories will be mounted into a Docker volume in order to persist the images pulled during a test run across test runs.

If you want to load images into the built KIND cluster that have not been pushed, set kindContainers. See Tips And Tricks for an example.

It is also possible to provide a custom kind configuration file. For example, to override the Kubernetes cluster version, create a kind configuration file called kind.yaml:

kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.sigs.k8s.io/v1alpha3
- role: control-plane
  image: kindest/node:v1.14.3

See the kind documentation (opens new window) for all options supported by kind.

Now specify either --kind-config or kindConfig in your configuration file:

kubectl kudo test --kind-config=kind.yaml

Note: Once the tests have been completed, the test harness will collect the kind cluster's logs and then delete it, unless --skip-cluster-delete has been set.

# Mocked Control Plane

The above environments are great for end to end testing, however, for integration test use-cases it may be unnecessary to create actual pods or other resources. This can make the tests a lot more flaky or slow than they need to be.

To write integration tests using the KUDO test harness, it is possible to start a mocked control plane that starts only the Kubernetes API server and etcd. In this environment, objects can be created and operated on by custom controllers, however, there is no scheduler, nodes, or built-in controllers. This means that pods will never run and built-in types, such as, deployments cannot create pods.

Currently, the only supported controller in this environment is the KUDO controller, however, there are plans to expand this to other controllers as well.

To start the mocked control plane, specify either --start-control-plane on the CLI or startControlPlane in the configuration file:

kubectl kudo test --start-control-plane

# Environment Setup

Before running a test suite, it may be necessary to setup the Kubernetes cluster - typically, either installing required services or custom resource definitions.

Your kudo-test.yaml can specify the settings needed to setup the cluster:

apiVersion: kudo.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TestSuite
startKIND: true
- tests/e2e/
- tests/manifests/
crdDir: tests/crds/
- apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kudobuilder/kudo/master/docs/deployment/10-crds.yaml

The above configuration would start kind, install all of the CRDs in tests/crds/, and run all of the commands defined in kubectl before running the tests in testDirs.

See the configuration reference for documentation on configuring test suites.

# Starting KUDO

In some test suites, it may be useful to have the KUDO controller running. To start the KUDO controller, specify either --start-kudo on the command line or startKUDO in the configuration file:

kubectl kudo test --start-kudo=true

The KUDO controller is built in to the KUDO CLI, so specifying --start-kudo will use the version of KUDO the CLI was built with. This makes it easy to test KUDO in a cluster that does not have KUDO installed and also prevents version drift issues when testing.