# Operator Parameters

This document explains what operator parameters are and how they work in KUDO.

# What are operator parameters

Operator parameters are key-value pairs declared by the operator developer.

The operator user may override their values at deployment time. This allows customizing the behavior of an operator.


Did you know? You can list all parameters for an operator with kubectl kudo package list parameters <operatorname>

# Declaring parameters

Operator developer declares parameters in a params.yaml file. This file is mandatory and must be present in the root directory of an operator.

If the operator developer does not wish to provide any parameters, the file may be empty.

The following example illustrates the structure of the file:

apiVersion: kudo.dev/v1beta1
  - name: BACKUP_FILE
    description: "Filename to save the backups to."
    default: "backup.sql"
    displayName: "BackupFile"
  - name: PASSWORD
    default: "password"
    trigger: backup
    description: "This parameter is not required."
    required: False
    description: "This parameter is required but does not have a default value."
    required: True
  - name: ARRAY_PARAM
    description: "This parameter describes an array of values."
      - user1
      - user2
    type: array
  - name: MAP_PARAM
    description: "This parameter describes a map of values."
      label1: foo
      label2: bar
    type: map

A parameter declaration consists of the following attributes:


Provides a name of the parameter. Required. It is a convention to use upper-case and separate words with underscores.


Provides an alternative name of the parameter. Optional. Currently not used anywhere. May be used by user interfaces to KUDO.


A description of the purpose of the parameter. Optional. Currently not used anywhere. May be used by user interfaces to KUDO.


The type of the parameter value. Optional. By default, a parameter value is a string. Arrays or maps can be provided by using array or map here. In that case the default value can be provided as YAML.


A default value of the parameter. Optional. Note that omitting this attribute will make the parameter required by default. You may change that with the required attribute.


Whether a value for this parameter must be explicitly provided at installation time. Optional. Failure to provide a value at installation time will prevent installation from happening.


Which plan should be triggered when this parameter is changed after initial installation. Optional. If you do not specify this attribute, the update or deploy plan will be triggered.


If the parameter can be changed in an update to the operator instance. Optional, false by default. When this attribute is set to true, the parameter must also be required or have a default value, in any way the parameter must have a value set when the operator instance is installed and can not be changed later on.

# Overriding parameters

Parameter values may be overridden from the CLI by the operator user.

The install, upgrade and update subcommands of kubectl kudo take the --parameter flag (which may be abbreviated as -p).

The argument to that flag has the form PARAMETER_NAME=parameter_value. Arrays and maps are provided as YAML values, e.g. PARAMETER_NAME='[array_value_1, array_value_2]'' for arrays, PARAMETER_NAME='{map_key_1: map_value_1, map_key_2: map_value_2}' for maps.

This flag may be specified many times to change more parameters in a single run.

# Triggers

Operator developer may specify the name of the plan which should be triggered when the value of this parameter is changed in an update.

In other words, this plan will apply the parameter change to your Kubernetes application.

If no trigger is specified, the update plan will be triggered by default.

If no update plan exists for this operator, the deploy plan is triggered.


It is currently not specified what happens when a single update changes parameters which refer to more than one trigger plan.

# Immutability

Operators may often have parameters that have to be set at installation time but can not be changed later on. For example the NUM_TOKENS parameter in the KUDO Cassandra operator defines the number of tokens that each node in a cluster manages. This value can not be changed in the lifetime of a Cassandra cluster; if the user wants to change this he must create a new cluster with a different value and migrate the data.

A parameter that is defined as immutable must either have a default value, or it must be marked as required - both ways ensure that the parameter will have a value at installation.

When an operator instance is updated, the user can not change the value of immutable parameters or KUDO will decline the update.

For all details on immutability, read the KEP-30 (opens new window)