# Runbook: Exposing a KUDO Kafka cluster externally

This runbook explains how to expose a KUDO Kafka cluster to the outside of the Kubernetes cluster, using the Service of type LoadBalancer

# Pre-conditions

  • A Kubernetes cluster with KUDO version >= 0.10.1 installed
  • Have a KUDO Kafka cluster version 1.2.0 up and running in the namespace kudo-kafka
  • Have binaries of jq installed in the $PATH

# Steps

# 1. Get the KUDO Kafka Instance object name

kubectl get instances.kudo.dev -n kudo-kafka

expected output are the KUDO Instance objects present in the namespace kudo-kafka:

NAME                 AGE
kafka-instance       82m
zookeeper-instance   82m

# 2. Update KUDO Kafka Instance object name

kubectl kudo update --instance=kafka-instance -n kudo-kafka -p EXTERNAL_ADVERTISED_LISTENER=true -p EXTERNAL_ADVERTISED_LISTENER_TYPE=LoadBalancer

expected output is the confirmation of the instance being updated.

Instance kafka-instance was updated

# 3. Verify the KUDO Kafka Instance external services

kubectl get service -n kudo-kafka

The expected output should show the services with external suffix that are used for KUDO Kafka external access.

NAME                              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)                               AGE
kafka-instance-kafka-0-external   LoadBalancer     a17e18d9241e14a1aacae2cc2191f04a-926669611.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com    9097:30274/TCP                        37s
kafka-instance-kafka-1-external   LoadBalancer    a2e70588eba294115a169957afa5f9ef-1559859741.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com   9097:31314/TCP                        37s
kafka-instance-kafka-2-external   LoadBalancer    a75a77687237d480b90c56f17d42a0c4-911598769.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com    9097:31296/TCP                        37s
kafka-instance-svc                ClusterIP      None          <none>                                                                    9093/TCP,9092/TCP,9094/TCP,9096/TCP   81m
zookeeper-instance-cs             ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    2181/TCP                              81m
zookeeper-instance-hs             ClusterIP      None          <none>                                                                    2888/TCP,3888/TCP                     81m

# 4. Verify the KUDO Kafka brokers advertised listeners

kubectl get pods -n kudo-kafka -l "kudo.dev/instance=kafka-instance" -o json | jq -r '.items[].metadata.name' | xargs -I {} kubectl -n kudo-kafka exec {} -c k8skafka sed 's,$,\n,' external.advertised.listeners

The expected output is the hostnames exactly as present in EXTERNAL-IP of the step 3.


The Kafka cluster is now available using those hostnames.