# Custom Badge

The CustomBadge That's me component should be used to highlight software versions capability (e.g. introduction or deprecation). It can and should be used especially when documenting flags or CLI commands, and can as well be used for concepts that have been introduced, deprecated or removed in any given version. See the examples below.

There's also Custom Blocks Pro Tip

If you want to notify about features that have known issues or incompatibilities, use custom blocks instead – especially if you want to write a couple sentences to provide meaningful context. You can also write a big fat deprecation notice using a custom block.

What you are reading at this very moment is a custom tip block which uses a CustomBadge in its header.

# Properties

The CustomBadge has three properties:


(Default: tip) Defines the type of the block

  • tip or green render a green badge. Use these if you want to inform about the version that introduced a feature, or tag a version or feature as stable.
  • warning, warn and yellow each render a yellow block. Use these to tag anything the user should be aware about, like experimental features.
  • error renders a red badge. Use this to tag deprecated or removed features; features with known issues or are potentially destructive operations.

The text that shall be displayed in the badge. Keep it short.


(Default: top) The setting for the verticalAlign CSS property.

# Examples

# Documenting CLI commands

kubectl kudo <new feature> 0.1.0

This awesome new feature has been introduced in 0.1.0.
<CustomBadge text="0.1.0"/> renders this badge.

kubectl kudo <deprecated command> experimental in 0.5.0

This feature has been deprecated in 0.5.0.
<CustomBadge type="warning" text="experimental in 0.5.0"/> renders this badge.

# Tagging Feature Availability

You can use CustomBadges to highlight a features availability:

# Something New and Shiny 0.4.0

<CustomBadge text="0.4.0"/> renders this badge.

# Under Construction experimental

<CustomBadge type="warning" text="experimental"/> renders this badge.

# We've got Something Better deprecated

<CustomBadge type="error" text="deprecated"/> renders this badge.

# Tagging Versions

Other applicable usages of CustomBadges would be tagging versions or feature with respect to their availability:

  • KUDO v0.2.0 experimental
    <CustomBadge text="experimental" type="warning"/> renders this badge.
  • KUDO v0.3.0 beta
    <CustomBadge text="beta" type="warning"/> renders this badge.
  • KUDO v0.4.0 stable
    <CustomBadge text="stable" /> renders this badge.
  • KUDO v0.6.0-SNAPSHOT snapshot
    <CustomBadge text="snapshot" type="error"/> renders this badge.