# Events
Events are rendered via the EventsIndex
component (opens new window) from simple markdown pages located in the events folder (opens new window). The format is as follows:
<!-- kubernetes-edinburgh-2019-07.md -->
event: Kubernetes Edinburgh
topic: KUDO - Kubernetes Operators, the easy way
speaker: Matt Jarvis
date: 2019-07-30
location: Edinburgh, Scotland
url: https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Edinburgh/events/263060075/
Any markdown above the `more` comment is rendered as an excerpt on the events page.
Please don't use headers here.
<!-- more -->
Events will be ordered by date with the next upcoming events naturally listed first.
# Properties
All fields provided in the example should be self-explanatory. If you don't have a URL yet, leave it empty; no URL will be rendered in this case.
The event under which this session is hosted; usually the name of the user group, meetup, or similar (e.g. Cloud Native Bulgaria)
The topic of this event; usually whatever the speaker(s) will talk about
The speaker, or multiple, just make a comma separated list.
The date of the event in format YYYY-MM-DD
The location in format <City, Country>
(optional) A URL providing more information (e.g. the meetup event URL). If you don't know the URL yet, leave it empty.
An excerpt will be rendered if any markdown content precedes an html comment more
<!-- more -->
An excerpt will only be rendered, if such comment exists. Please do not use headers in this section.
# Naming Convention
Events will be sorted according to their date, but when searching for a specific one to edit, you'll likely have the event in mind, not so much the date. In order to easily find a file in a growing list, please name them according to this naming convention: <event>-<YYYY-MM>.md
. Add dashes for readability, for example kubernetes-edinburgh-2019-07.md
# Component Properties
(default: upcoming
) The subset of events that shall be rendered in this instance of the component. Specifying anything else than upcoming
will render only past events. The ordering of displayed events is as follows:
events are ordered by date, ascendingpast
events are ordered by date, descending; i.e., the most recent event will be on top.